Leadership & Executive Coaching
One of the most sought after skills of today’s leaders is to be good coaches for their teams. To develop on those skills that help others feel safe, motivated and further inspired to grow and thrive. A leader with coaching abilities listens beyond what is being said, does not judge and is never critical. His feedback is more of a feed-forward, being primarily focused on aspects to be improved in the future. I think each leader should have his own coach for the entire length of his/her professional life.
As an Executive & Leadership Coach, I assist CEOs, senior leaders and executive managers who understand the difference coaching abilities make for their leadership style, and are willing to be assisted in their specific business and performance goals to:
- renounce any micro-managing impulses and improve on their time management and delegation issues
- reformulate their feedback into a feed-forward format, to protect the relationship and empower on an individual level;
- learn to express interest and concern for team member’s professional as well as personal wellbeing;
- listen actively, sharing and communicating efficiently, with clarity, vision and impact on the strategies for the team and organization;
- asking powerful, targeted, helpful questions to show care, concern and to improve on team’s drive in taking productive actions;
- understand organizational culture and navigate resistance using influencing and negotiating techniques;
- understand their teams in terms of team diversity, teamwork and even interpersonal conflicts;
- engage in difficult conversations and motivate others to seek new opportunities, to see different perspectives and to cherish the importance of collaboration and commitment, even outside the comfort zone;
- help teams define, clarify and follow-up on their SMART objectives, to take the organization to the next level through GROW model coaching techniques.
Education & Training
Learning Experiences

The Coaching Process
- Contracting – Define Objectives
At this stage I help people define what they want to achieve, what are their objectives, what is meaningful and relevant about what they want to accomplish in the coaching process. - Connecting – Here & Now
At this stage I help people step into the present moment and connect with themselves and their environment. In this way they become more receptive to:
-desensitize self–sabotaging beliefs
-start to think differently
-(re)create the intentional path towards their solutions - Exploring personal framework
At this stage I help people explore their personal frames of reference, intellectually and emotionally, in order to further dissolve potential barriers and search for additional resources needed in the process. Explorations of different perspectives take place and further awareness is gained by the client. - Accountability and commitment
At this stage I help people define a great, strong supporting mechanism to maintain their commitment and consistency of their chosen actions.
The Coaching Process
- Contracting – Define Objectives
At this stage I help people define what they want to achieve, what are their objectives, what is meaningful and relevant about what they want to accomplish in the coaching process. - Connecting – Here & Now
At this stage I help people step into the present moment and connect with themselves and their environment. In this way they become more receptive to:
-desensitize self–sabotaging beliefs
-start to think differently
-(re)create the intentional path towards their solutions - Exploring personal framework
At this stage I help people explore their personal frames of reference, intellectually and emotionally, in order to further dissolve potential barriers and search for additional resources needed in the process. Explorations of different perspectives take place and further awareness is gained by the client. - Accountability and commitment
At this stage I help people define a great, strong supporting mechanism to maintain their commitment and consistency of their chosen actions.