We all need to change from time to time, be it from a need, desire or threat (a need as well). Being out of boredom, excitement or health/life threatening reason, all lasting changes happen when we decide to start something new and end something old. They happen in a space of self-control, patience, and consistent small but sure steps towards…
I sometimes, in my session with new Clients, get the feeling (some even admit it) that they find it hard to open up in front of me, a Coach, but a stranger, afterall. I totally agree. I believe this is a cultural thing, as well as an educational one, that it is related to how each of us were brought…
Summer vacations are so needed, we all waited to go out, “recharge batteries”, relax and enjoy time with loved ones, safely. It is usually not a time to think about duties, tasks or any job-related things. And yet, there can be some moments of adaptation anxiety at return. Feeling “unplugged” for a while, overwhelming number of emails waiting for you,…
Cat respecti jumatatea celuilalt la o masa de discutii? Astazi gandul ma duce catre echilibru, catre parti egale, catre acel “meeting half way” pe care cu totii ar fi util sa il respectam in relatiile cu cei din jur. Regasesc adesea la partenerii mei clienti dorinta – poate mai puternica ca oricare alta – de a exista un schimb echitabil…
I remember my first celebration of a 4th of July in New York and how I used to watch the Macy’s annual firework display sparkling all over the skies above Hudson River. I imagined being taken away, as in a movie scene, with lights in different colors and shapes embroiding the city sky, people cheering and thousands of voices united…
“Caracterul omului este destinul sau” spunea Heraclit. Am ajuns in timp sa dau un sens profund acestor vorbe, sunt ghidul meu. Nu ma mai las captivata cu usurinta de aparente, de miturile cu care toti ne inconjuram pentru a fi “vazuti” si “auziti”, pentru a castiga si pastra increderea celor din jur. Am invatat sa descifrez printre masti si sa…
To communicate emphatically does not mean to refrain from saying what’s on your mind in a given confusing, awkward or frustrating contexts. Nor distort it to please the other. What can help you to communicate with more empathy: 1. Be present with intention if you really want to understand the other’s part. When we respond it is usually from a…
Coaching through transitions In my coaching program, I advise that every time a new Executive steps into a new role, a three to six months transition coaching be offered by the organisation. It helps on several layers, but most importantly it is meant to help the person to not feel alone in the transition, especially in the adjusting period. It…
How do you translate who you think you are, your identity, into your reputation? How much do you believe that if you become more self-aware of who you are then you would be able to learn to develop those skills that will help you evolve on the career ladder? Based on three decades of validated research the Socioanalytic theory (Robert…
The most important ingredient of any valuable relationship is TRUST. How can I convince my team to do whatever I asked them to do and not question it, bitch about it, postpone it, or bring all kind of excuses for not finishing it, out of fear of unpleasant consequences? This type of question is very common at the corporate top…